Letter from James River Webs, Inc.
Starting James River Webs, Inc. back in 1999 was an easy descision to make. We looked around the web landscape
and determined that there were many design companies at two extremes. You have the large, multi-state corporations
that charge over $10,000 for a web site. They have programmers, graphic design, administrators, presidents, and
CEO in a office building or industrial complex. Then you have those companies that offer a $7.99 - $25.00/month and you
pick from a series of templates. You might get to upload images, and change some text but in the end it looks just like
everyone elses site.
We decided to build our company around those customers that are in the middle. Our primary partners are small to
mid-size companies. We call them partners because we work with you and not for you. We typically sit down with you
and discuss your options as well as your ideas and desires. We then provide you with an estimate for both the time
and cost. From there we further discuss your site to fit your budget whether it is $100 or $2,000.
Over 95% of our partners have budgets under $2,000. We can even phase in parts to allow you to measure
results and spread your costs.
Currently over 99% of our partners continue to use us for continue support and future work. We have made a
descision to stay small ourselves. This way we continue to meet the needs of our partners as well as never
lose sight of what is important to small businesses.
We have always allowed our partners to help shape their site with custom needs without charging custom prices.
We offer a wide range of Support options. We offer unlimited phone and customer support for most issues.
If you have a hosting plan with us then ALL of your customer support is unlimited. We also so can meet and
educate you on a wide range of subject matters related to the internet. We also post common questions and answers
in our Support area designed to be used by you.
If you are a small company that needs a web site under $2,000 dollars that is unique, professional and is an
extension of your company then we invite you to contact us and see what we can do for you.
10 More facts about us.